Be a Leader

Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

Alexander the Great

Develop Leaders

We perform a Baseline assessment to identify areas for development. We then bind individual leadership strengths. Develop a presence that reflects core values. Develop enhanced personal strategic planning skills. Focus on superior decision making. Sharpen goal setting and goal achievement skills. Increase ability to motivate others. Develop confident communication skills. Refine leadership presence, vision and examine barriers.

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One-on-One Session

Our Seven Session series consists of forty nine (49) minute meetings that occur at seven (7) day intervals. If geographically feasible, we conduct these meetings in a face to face setting. For meetings that require remote forms of communication, we use FaceTime or other web-meeting technology sessions.

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The Result

It is common knowledge that there is a very large gap in many organization’s ability to effectively fill leadership roles. Generation Y/Millennium and Generation Z/Boomlets have not instilled confidence in the population of older organizational leaders, decision makers and boards of directors. Our mission is to bridge the gap by creating leaders that will excel during the current and future generational collision. There is a language and set of traits that leaders possess that transcends generations. We create leaders when “Generations Collide.”

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For more than a decade Craig Fuher has been exploring the continued evolution of leadership in the knowledge-intensive economy, and the far-reaching consequences for small and medium size organizations.

Meet Craig Fuher

Those who follow these guiding principles have become harder and harder to find. Do you want to be found?

View Guiding Principles